The new Cross Fix, bringing Dryland Mushing to the masses

Kickbikes were originally invented to train world-class sled dogs in the summer months when the snow in the Swiss Alps would melt. They were such a hit that more models where designed, a company was created and a revolution was born. This was in 1996. Since then Kickbike has not let up, winning numerous Dryland Mushing World Championships, fostering a passionate community and redefining what a scooter can be. Kickbikes are used by NFL All Stars, Olympians and elite athletes of all kinds, but in their DNA, Kickbikes are a dog scooter…and the ambitious, adventure lovin’ team at Kickbike, is tirelessly making sure Kickbike is the best dog scooter ever made.

With last year’s additions of the world champion 29er and the ridiculously popular Fat Max, the Kickbike team was focused on making the biggest, toughest, fastest scooters ever. It only takes a quick look at either of those beauties to see that mission has been accomplished.

This year, Kickbike is aiming at a different athlete. You.

Kickbike America is excited to announce the arrival of the Kickbike Cross Fix. Replacing the Cross Max 20V, the Cross Fix is a Kickbike 10 years in the making. A lot of blood, sweat and tears went into making what Kickbike feels is YOUR dog scooter. You told them what you wanted, and this is it. The Kickbike Cross Fix is lighter, simpler, more affordable, and just as capable. Notable changes are:

Dual Shimano disk brakes | Fixed front fork | Higher ground clearance | New Arctic white paint

This Kickbike is aimed particularly at the average dog owner looking to get into the fast growing sport of Dryland Mushing. Dryland Mushing is any activity in which a dog pulls a human, similar to sled dog racing, but without the snow. The Kickbike offers many advantages over carts and bikes, due to its low center of gravity and lightweight, minimalist design. Kickbike America offers all the products you need to get started for fun, or compete at the highest levels. Add their exclusive dog leash adapter to any bike or Kickbike and get started instantly.

This is the best way to allow your dog to run as fast and far as they want, in a safe and fun way. Kickbiking with your dog is a great way to keep your pup happy and healthy while exploring the outdoors and strengthening your bond. Dryland Mushing is a very fun and positive dog sport that is growing fast throughout America. Kickbike America is proud to be leading the innovation and taking this passion to the next level. The new Kickbike Cross Fix is an important step in bringing what was once an enthusiast sport, to all dog lovers.

For more pictures & information, please contact Jordan Crowder at 850.502.1647 or [email protected]